Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Going Headless without headache

You're done with a first beta of your angular 4 app.
Thanks to Test Your Angular Services and Test your Angular component, you get a good test suite 🤗. It runs ok with a npm test on your local dev environment. Now, is time to automate it and have it run against a CI server: be Travis, Jenkins, choose your weapon. But most probably you will need to run you test headlessly.

Until recently the only way to go is to use PhantomJS, a "headless" browser that can be run via a command line and is primarily used to test websites without the need to completely render a page.

Since Chrome 59 (still in beta), you can now use Chrome headless! In this post we'll see how to go headless: the classical way with PhamtomJS and then we'll peek a boo into Chrome Headless. You may want to wait for official release of 59 (it should be expected to roll out very soon in May/June this year).

Getting started with angular-cli

Let's use angular-cli latest release (v1.0.6 at the time of writing), make sure you have install it in [1].
npm install -g @angular/cli  // [1]
ng new MyHeadlessProject // [2]
cd MyHeadlessProject
npm test // [3]
In [2], create a new project, let's call it MyHeadlessProject.
In [3], run your test. You can see by default the test run in watch mode. If you explore karma.conf.js:
module.exports = function (config) {
    port: 9876,
    colors: true,
    logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
    autoWatch: true,
    browsers: ['Chrome'],  // [1]
    singleRun: false       // [2]
If you switch [2] to false, you can go for a single run.
To be headless you would have had to change Chrome for PhantomJS.

Go headless with PhamtomJS

First, install the phantomjs browser and its karma launcher with:
npm i phantomjs karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev
Next step is to change the the karma configuration:
browsers: ['PhantomJS', 'PhantomJS_custom'],
customLaunchers: {
 'PhantomJS_custom': {
    base: 'PhantomJS',
    options: {
      windowName: 'my-window',
      settings: {
        webSecurityEnabled: false
    flags: ['--load-images=true'],
    debug: true
phantomjsLauncher: {
  exitOnResourceError: true
singleRun: true
and don't forgot to import them at the beginning of the file:
plugins: [
Running it you got the error:
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) ERROR
  TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '((Object)).assign.apply')
  at webpack:///~/@angular/common/@angular/common.es5.js:3091:0 <- src/test.ts:23952
As per this angular-cli issue, go to polyfills.js and uncomment
import 'core-js/es6/object';
import 'core-js/es6/array';
Rerun, tada !
It works!
... Until you run into a next polyfill error. PhantomJS is not the latest, even worse, it's getting deprecated. Even PhantomJS main maintainer Vitali is stepping down as a maintainer recommending to switch to chrome headless. It's always cumbersome to have a polyfilll need just for your automated test suite, let's peek a boo into Headless Chrome.

Chrome headless

First of all, you either need to have Chrome beta installed or have ChromeCanary.
On Mac:
brew cask install google-chrome-canary
Next step is to change the the karma configuration:
browsers: ['ChromeNoSandboxHeadless'],
customLaunchers: {
  ChromeNoSandboxHeadless: {
    base: 'ChromeCanary',
    flags: [
      // See https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/lkgr/headless/README.md
      // Without a remote debugging port, Google Chrome exits immediately.
      ' --remote-debugging-port=9222',
and don't forgot to import them at the beginning of the file:
plugins: [
Rerun, tada! No need to have any polyfill.

What's next?

In this post you saw how to run your test suite headlessly to fit your test automation CI needs. You can get the full source code in github for PhantomJs in this branch, and for Chrome Headless with Canary in this branch. Have fun and try it on your project!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Test your Angular component

In my previous post "Testing your Services with Angular", we saw how to unit test your Services using DI (Dependency Injection) to inject mock classes into the test module (TestBed). Let's go one step further and see how to unit test your components.

With component testing, you can:
  • either test at unit test level ie: testing all public methods. You merely test your javascript component, mocking service and rendering layers.
  • or test at component level, ie: testing the component and its template together and interacting with Html element.
I tend to use both methods whenever it makes the more sense: if my component has large template, do more component testing.

Another complexity introduced by component testing is that most of the time you have to deal with the async nature of html rendering. But let's dig in...

Setting up tests

I'll use the code base of openshift.io to illustrate this post. It's a big enough project to go beyond the getting started apps. Code source could be found in: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-ui/. To run the test, use npm run test:unit.

Component test: DI, Mock and shallow rendering

In the previous article "Testing your Services with Angular", you saw how to mock service through the use of DI. Same story here, in TestBed.configureTestingModule you define your testing NgModule with the providers. The providers injected at NgModule are available to the components of this module.

For example, let's add a component test for CodebasesAddComponent a wizard style component to add a github repository in the list of available codebases. First, you enter the repository name and hit "sync" button to check (via github API) if the repo exists. Upon success, some repo details are displayed and a final "associate" button add the repo to the list of codebases.

To test it, let's create the TestBed module, we need to inject all the dependencies in the providers. Check the constructor of the CodebasesAddComponent, there are 7 dependencies injected!

Let's write TestBed.configureTestingModule and inject 7 fake services:
beforeEach(() => {
  broadcasterMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('Broadcaster', ['broadcast']);
  codebasesServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('CodebasesService', ['getCodebases', 'addCodebase']);
  authServiceMock = jasmine.createSpy('AuthenticationService');
  contextsMock = jasmine.createSpy('Contexts');
  gitHubServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('GitHubService', ['getRepoDetailsByFullName', 'getRepoLicenseByUrl']);
  notificationMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('Notifications', ['message']);
  routerMock = jasmine.createSpy('Router');
  routeMock = jasmine.createSpy('ActivatedRoute');
  userServiceMock = jasmine.createSpy('UserService');

    imports: [FormsModule, HttpModule],
    declarations: [CodebasesAddComponent], // [1]
    providers: [
        provide: Broadcaster, useValue: broadcasterMock // [2]
        provide: CodebasesService, useValue: codebasesServiceMock
        provide: Contexts, useClass: ContextsMock // [3]
        provide: GitHubService, useValue: gitHubServiceMock
        provide: Notifications, useValue: notificationMock
        provide: Router, useValue: routerMock
        provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: routeMock
    // Tells the compiler not to error on unknown elements and attributes
    schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] // [4]
  fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CodebasesAddComponent);

In line [2], you use useValue to inject a value (created via dynamic mock with jasmine) or use a had crafted class in [3] to mock your data. Whatever is convenient!

In line [4], you use NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA and in line [1] we declare only one component. This is where shallow rendering comes in. You've stubbed services (quite straightforward thanks to Dependency Injection in Angular). Now is the time to stub child components.

Shallow testing your component means you test your UI component in isolation. Your browser will display only the DOM part that directly belongs to the component under test. For example, if we look at the template we have another component element like alm-slide-out-panel. Since you declare in [1] only your component under test, Angular will give you error for unknown DOM element: therefore tell the framework it can just ignore those with NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA.

Note: To compile or not to compile TestComponent? In most Angular tutorials, you will see the Testbed.compileComponents, but as specified in the docs this is not needed when you're using webpack.

Async testing with async and whenStable

Let's write your first test to validate the first part of the wizard creation, click on "sync" button, display second part of the wizard. See full code in here.
fit('Display github repo details after sync button pressed', async(() => { // [1]
  // given
  gitHubServiceMock.getRepoLicenseByUrl.and.returnValue(Observable.of(expectedGitHubRepoLicense)); // [2]
  const debug = fixture.debugElement;
  const inputSpace = debug.query(By.css('#spacePath'));
  const inputGitHubRepo = debug.query(By.css('#gitHubRepo')); // [3]
  const syncButton = debug.query(By.css('#syncButton'));
  const form = debug.query(By.css('form'));
  fixture.detectChanges(); // [4]

  fixture.whenStable().then(() => { // [5]
    // when github repos added and sync button clicked
    inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.value = 'TestSpace/toto';
    inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
    fixture.detectChanges(); // [6]
  }).then(() => {
    fixture.detectChanges(); // [7]
  }).then(() => {
    expect(form.nativeElement.querySelector('#created').value).toBeTruthy(); // [8]
    expect(form.nativeElement.querySelector('#license').value).toEqual('Apache License 2.0');

In [1] you see the it from jasmine BDD has been prefixed with a f to focus on this test (good tip to only run the test you're working on).

In [2] you set the expected result for stubbed service call. Notice the service return an Observable, we use Observable.of to wrap a result into an Observable stream and start it.

In [3], you get the DOM element, but not quite. Actually since you use debugElement you get a helper node, you can always call nativeElement on it to get real DOM object. As a reminder:
abstract class ComponentFixture {
  debugElement;       // test helper 
  componentInstance;  // access properties and methods
  nativeElement;      // access DOM
  detectChanges();    // trigger component change detection

In [4] and [5], you trigger an event for the component to be initialized. As the the HTML rendering is asynchronous per nature, you need to write asynchronous test. In Jasmine, you used to write async test using done() callback that need to be called once you've done with async call. With angular framework you can wrap you test inside an async.

In [6] you notify the component a change happened: user entered a repo name, some validation is going on in the component. Once the validation is successful, you trigger another event and notify the component a change happened in [7]. Because the flow is synchronous you need to chain your promises.

Eventually in [8] following given-when-then approach of testing you can verify your expectation.

Async testing with fakeAsync and tick

Replace async by fakeAsync and whenStable / then by tick and voilà! In here no promises in sight, plain synchronous style.
fit('Display github repo details after sync button pressed', fakeAsync(() => {
  const debug = fixture.debugElement;
  const inputGitHubRepo = debug.query(By.css('#gitHubRepo'));
  const syncButton = debug.query(By.css('#syncButton'));
  const form = debug.query(By.css('form'));
  inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.value = 'TestSpace/toto';
  inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
  expect(form.nativeElement.querySelector('#license').value).toEqual('Apache License 2.0');

When DI get tricky

While writing those tests, I hit the issue of a component defining its own providers. When your component define its own providers it means it get its own injector ie: a new instance of the service is created at your component level. Is it really what is expected? In my case this was an error in the code. Get more details on how dependency injection in hierarchy of component work read this great article.

What's next?

In this post you saw how to test a angular component in isolation, how to test asynchronously and delve a bit in DI. You can get the full source code in github.
Next post, I'll like to test about testing headlessly for your CI/CD integration. Stay tuned. Happy testing!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

RivieraDEV 2017: What a great edition!

RivieraDEV is over. 2 days of conferences, workshop and fun.
This 2017 edition was placed under the sign of...

First, cloudy weather for the speaker diner on Wednesday...
Second, lots of talks about the Cloud with OpenShift, Kubernetes, Docker in prod, Cloud Foundry and even some clusters battle with chaos monkey. 🐵🙈🙉🙊

The first day started with the keynote from the RivieraDEV team where Sebastien with a virtual Mark Little, announced the first joined edition with JUDCon. To follow, Nadir Kadem's presentation on hacking culture and Hendrik Ebbers beautifully crafted slides on a project life gives the tone of RivieraDEV: a conference for developers. With 3 tracks, you have to make a call, here are the presentations I've picked.
  • Edson Yanaga's session on Kubernetes and OpenShift. The presentation starts form Forbes' quote: "Now every company is a software company" and focus on how to organize your team using the right tools to deliver the best business value to end users. A/B testing, features toggle, monitoring is made easy with OpenShift with a zero downtime deployment.
  • Nodejs on OpenShift by Lance Ball who shows case how to do a source to image on OpenShift console and get the latest nodejs version available. the presentation also illustrates with a short demo on circuit breaker for your micro services in nodejs.
  • Lunch break with socca: if you don't know what it is, you ought to come to 2018 edition and taste it!
  • Stephanie Moallic talks about how to control a robot from a hand crafted ionic2 mobile app. From under 100 euros you can get you arduino-based robot! The only limit you have is your imagination.
  • Francois Teychene tells us his experience on running Docker on production clusters. So, with docker you can't get rid of your ops department?
  • Jean-françois Garreau demos the new physical web API. Lots of new cool stuff to try out to enhance your web site UX with some vibration, notification...
  • Last presentation is a BOF session on Monade where Philippe, Nicolas, Guillaume and Gauthier illustrate functions like map, switchMap with bottles, pears and alcohol. If you don't get fluent on functional programming, I'll put it on the drinks.

For the second day, Matthias kills the rumour on the French Riviera weather: The keynotes starts on accessibility and quality by Aurelien Levy, a subject very often overlooked. You, as a developer have the power to change other person's life. To carry on "with great powers come great responsibilities", Guillaume Champeau talks about ethics in IT and the privacy concern when googling.
Again, with 3 tracks, here are the presentations I've picked.
  • Julien Viet talsk about Http2 multiplexing theory. With a very visual demo of http1 vs http2 verticles loading in high latency images. Here is the link: http2-showcase! Also I get out of the presentation, with the willing to dig a bit more GRPC with protocol buffer to even encode better and reduce payload.
  • To follow, Thomas presents Reactive programming with Eclipse Vert.X. With a live demo, he shows a verticle with reactive wrapper. I've learned about Single RxJava class, a special case of single-event Observable. I need to dig in Thomas' music store demo.
  • Back for some docker, with skynet vs monkey planet fight. I really enjoy the light tone of the presentation.
  • Josh Long demos how to deploy on Cloud Foundry using AB testing, zuul configuration... Nice demo, I'm even on the demo. Thanks my friend 😊
  • Some CSS novelties with GridLayout, I'm not yet ready for it, still learning. Thanks Raphael for the nice intro, quite in-depth some time, I'll need to review some slides.

So this is the end, time to say good-bye my friends. Thanks to all our speakers to join us to make a great edition. Last but not least, thanks to all the attendees for coming and make the edition so special: best attendee record this year, over 400!
See you all for 2018 edition.

PS: If you want to read more blog post on RivieraDEV, I recommend Fanny's post.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Testing your Services with Angular

Have you ever joined a project to find out it is missing unit tests?
So as the enthusiastic new comer, you've decided to roll your sleeves 💪 and you're up to add more unit tests. In this article, I'd like to share the fun of seeing the code coverage percentage increased 📊 📈 in your angular application.

I love angular.io documentation. Really great content and since it is part of angular repo it's well maintained an kept up-to-date. To start with I recommend you reading Testing Advanced cookbook.

When starting testing a #UnitTestLackingApplication, I think tackling Angular Services are easier to start with. Why? Some services might be self contained object without dependencies, or (more frequently the only dependencies might be with http module) and for sure, there is no DOM testing needed as opposed to component testing.

Setting up tests

I'll use the code base of openshift.io to illustrate this post. It's a big enough project to go beyond the getting started apps. Code source could be found in: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-ui/

From my previous post "Debug your Karma", you know how to run unit test and collect code coverage from Istanbul set-up. Simply run:
npm test // to run all test
npm run test:unit // to run only unit test (the one we'll focus on)
npm run test:debug // to debug unit test 

When starting a test you'll need:
  • to have an entry point, similar to having a main.ts which will call TestBed.initTestEnvironment, this is done once for all your test suite. See spec-bundle.js for a app generated using AngularClass starter.
  • you also need a "root" module similar (called testing module) to a root module for your application. You'll do it by using TestBed.configureTestingModule. This is something to do for each test suite dependent on what you want to test.
Let's delve into more details and talk about dependency injection:

Dependency Injection

The DI in Angular consists of:
  • Injector - The injector object that exposes APIs to us to create instances of dependencies. In your case we'll use TestBest which inherits from Injector.
  • Provider - A provider takes a token and maps that to a factory function that creates an object.
  • Dependency - A dependency is the type of which an object should be created.
Let's add unit test for Codebases service. The service Add/Retrieve list of code source. First we need to know all the dependencies the service uses so that for each dependencies we define a provider. Looking at the constructor we got the information:
export class CodebasesService {
      private http: Http,
      private logger: Logger,
      private auth: AuthenticationService,
      private userService: UserService,
      @Inject(WIT_API_URL) apiUrl: string) {

The service depends on 4 services and one configuration string which is injected. As we want to test in isolation the service we're going to mock most of them.

How to inject mock TestBed.configureTestingModule

I choose to use Logger (no mock) as the service is really simple, I mock Http service (more on that later) and I mock AuthenticationService and UserService using Jasmine spy. Eventually I also inject the service under test CodebasesService.
beforeEach(() => {
      mockAuthService = jasmine.createSpyObj('AuthenticationService', ['getToken']);
      mockUserService = jasmine.createSpy('UserService');

        providers: [
            provide: Http,
            useFactory: (backend: MockBackend,
              options: BaseRequestOptions) => new Http(backend, options),
            deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions]
            provide: AuthenticationService,
            useValue: mockAuthService
            provide: UserService,
            useValue: mockUserService
            provide: WIT_API_URL,
            useValue: "http://example.com"

One thing important to know is that with DI you are not in control of the singleton object created by the framework. This is the Hollywood concept: don't call me, I'll call you. That's why to get the singleton instance created for CodebasesService and MockBackend, you need to get it from the injector either using inject as below:
  [CodebasesService, MockBackend],
  (service: CodebasesService, mock: MockBackend) => {
    codebasesService = service;
    mockService = mock;

or using TestBed.get:

 beforeEach(() => {
   codebasesService = TestBed.get(CodebasesService);
   mockService = TestBed.get(MockBackend);

To be or not to be

Notice how you get the instance created for you from the injector TestBed. What about the mock instance you provided with useValue? Is it the same object instance that is being used? Interesting enough if your write a test like:
it('To be or not to be', () => {
   let mockAuthServiceFromDI = TestBed.get(AuthenticationService);
   expect(mockAuthService).toBe(mockAuthServiceFromDI); // [1]
   expect(mockAuthService).toEqual(mockAuthServiceFromDI); // [2]

line 1 will fail whereas line 2 will succeed. Jasmine uses toBe to compare object instance whereas toEqual to compare object's values. As noted in Angular documentation, the instances created by the injector are not the ones you used for the provider factory method. Always, get your instance from the injector ie: TestBed.

Mocking Http module to write your test

Using HttpModule in TestBed

Let's revisit our TestBed's configuration to use HttpModule:
beforeEach(() => {
      mockLog = jasmine.createSpyObj('Logger', ['error']);
      mockAuthService = jasmine.createSpyObj('AuthenticationService', ['getToken']);
      mockUserService = jasmine.createSpy('UserService');

        imports: [HttpModule], // line [1]
        providers: [
            provide: XHRBackend, useClass: MockBackend // line [2]
            provide: AuthenticationService,
            useValue: mockAuthService
            provide: UserService,
            useValue: mockUserService
            provide: WIT_API_URL,
            useValue: "http://example.com"
      codebasesService = TestBed.get(CodebasesService);
      mockService = TestBed.get(XHRBackend);

By adding an HttpModule to our testing module in line [1], the providers for Http, RequestOptions is already configured. However, using an NgModule’s providers property, you can still override providers (line 2) even though it has being introduced by other imported NgModules. With this second approach we can simply override XHRBackend.

Mock http response

Using Jasmine DBB style, let's test the addCodebase method:
it('Add codebase', () => {
      // given
      const expectedResponse = {"data": githubData};
      mockService.connections.subscribe((connection: any) => {
        connection.mockRespond(new Response(
          new ResponseOptions({
            body: JSON.stringify(expectedResponse),
            status: 200
      // when
      codebasesService.addCodebase("mySpace", codebase).subscribe((data: any) => {
        // then

Let's do our testing using the well-know given, when, then paradigm.

We start with given: Angular’s http module comes with a testing class MockBackend. No http request is sent and you have an API to mock your call. Using connection.mockResponse we can mock the response of any http call. We can also mock failure (a must-have to get a 100% code coverage 😉) with connection.mockError.

The when is simply about calling our addCodebase method.

The then is about verifying the expected versus the actual result. Because http call return RxJS Observable, very often service's method that use async REST call will use Observable too. Here our addCodebase method return a Observable. To be able to unwrap the Observable use the subscribe method. Inside it you can access the Codebase object and compare its result.

What's next?

In this post you saw how to test a angular service using http module. You can get the full source code in github.
You've seen how to set-up a test with Dependency Injection, how to mock http layer and how to write your jasmine test. Next blog post, we'll focus on UI layer and how to test angular component.