Wednesday, April 17, 2013

When RivieraGUG met Riviera Scala Clojure...

The evening was initially organised by Riviera SCUG but when I get my invite from Meetup: reading DSL and MACRO I couldn't resist: I had to propose a joint event. After all, it's about one of my favourite Groovy subject :-)

Too bad Filip Krikava was too busy finishing his thesis to present us the DSL session in Scala, but Anwar Rizal gave us the good news (even to the surprise of Filip) that the session is rescheduled on the 11th June. Filip, I want to see it!

Evening starting with the Groove:
+Fabrice Matrat and me talked about how easily from Java background, you can start writing Groovy code: just striptease. Carried on with dynamic fun: MOP, then warmed up with command chaining (a modern pattern from the 70s said Fabrice - no kidding GoF was written in 94!) before going serious with AST transform. I wish I had time to implement a tutorial on TypedChecked (high prio on my TODO) because the question was raised. @Scalify was welcomed (most of the room was from Scala side I must admit). If you want to review the presentation and get all links from it:

Jonathan Winandy talked about Macro Paradise.
Macro use compiler API to create AST. Right on the topic of the evening.
And in case you wonder why "Paradise", it's end up being the name of the experimental branch which hold the code of Macro. Not mainstream yet, still for hipsters.
With reify writing AST code manipulation without verbosity looks cool (like our AstBuilder in Groovy). Jonathan shows us plenty of code. Live coding is always a courageous exercise.

Last Tuesday, Groovy met Scala on the French Riviera. And....

It gives a very nice evening.
And guess what? No trolling.

Polyglot spirit.

See you at the next session!