With component testing, you can:
- either test at unit test level ie: testing all public methods. You merely test your javascript component, mocking service and rendering layers.
- or test at component level, ie: testing the component and its template together and interacting with Html element.
Another complexity introduced by component testing is that most of the time you have to deal with the async nature of html rendering. But let's dig in...
Setting up tests
I'll use the code base of openshift.io to illustrate this post. It's a big enough project to go beyond the getting started apps. Code source could be found in: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-ui/. To run the test, use
npm run test:unit
Component test: DI, Mock and shallow rendering
In the previous article "Testing your Services with Angular", you saw how to mock service through the use of DI. Same story here, in
you define your testing NgModule with the providers. The providers injected at NgModule are available to the components of this module.
For example, let's add a component test for
a wizard style component to add a github repository in the list of available codebases. First, you enter the repository name and hit "sync" button to check (via github API) if the repo exists. Upon success, some repo details are displayed and a final "associate" button add the repo to the list of codebases.
To test it, let's create the TestBed module, we need to inject all the dependencies in the
. Check the constructor of the CodebasesAddComponent
, there are 7 dependencies injected!
Let's write
and inject 7 fake services:
beforeEach(() => {
broadcasterMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('Broadcaster', ['broadcast']);
codebasesServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('CodebasesService', ['getCodebases', 'addCodebase']);
authServiceMock = jasmine.createSpy('AuthenticationService');
contextsMock = jasmine.createSpy('Contexts');
gitHubServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('GitHubService', ['getRepoDetailsByFullName', 'getRepoLicenseByUrl']);
notificationMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('Notifications', ['message']);
routerMock = jasmine.createSpy('Router');
routeMock = jasmine.createSpy('ActivatedRoute');
userServiceMock = jasmine.createSpy('UserService');
imports: [FormsModule, HttpModule],
declarations: [CodebasesAddComponent], // [1]
providers: [
provide: Broadcaster, useValue: broadcasterMock // [2]
provide: CodebasesService, useValue: codebasesServiceMock
provide: Contexts, useClass: ContextsMock // [3]
provide: GitHubService, useValue: gitHubServiceMock
provide: Notifications, useValue: notificationMock
provide: Router, useValue: routerMock
provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: routeMock
// Tells the compiler not to error on unknown elements and attributes
schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA] // [4]
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CodebasesAddComponent);
In line [2], you use
to inject a value (created via dynamic mock with jasmine) or use a had crafted class in [3] to mock your data. Whatever is convenient!
In line [4], you use
and in line [1] we declare only one component. This is where shallow rendering comes in. You've stubbed services (quite straightforward thanks to Dependency Injection in Angular). Now is the time to stub child components.
Shallow testing your component means you test your UI component in isolation. Your browser will display only the DOM part that directly belongs to the component under test. For example, if we look at the template we have another component element like
. Since you declare in [1] only your component under test, Angular will give you error for unknown DOM element: therefore tell the framework it can just ignore those with NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA
Note: To compile or not to compile TestComponent? In most Angular tutorials, you will see the
, but as specified in the docs this is not needed when you're using webpack.
Async testing with async
and whenStable
Let's write your first test to validate the first part of the wizard creation, click on "sync" button, display second part of the wizard. See full code in here.
fit('Display github repo details after sync button pressed', async(() => { // [1]
// given
gitHubServiceMock.getRepoLicenseByUrl.and.returnValue(Observable.of(expectedGitHubRepoLicense)); // [2]
const debug = fixture.debugElement;
const inputSpace = debug.query(By.css('#spacePath'));
const inputGitHubRepo = debug.query(By.css('#gitHubRepo')); // [3]
const syncButton = debug.query(By.css('#syncButton'));
const form = debug.query(By.css('form'));
fixture.detectChanges(); // [4]
fixture.whenStable().then(() => { // [5]
// when github repos added and sync button clicked
inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.value = 'TestSpace/toto';
inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
fixture.detectChanges(); // [6]
}).then(() => {
fixture.detectChanges(); // [7]
}).then(() => {
expect(form.nativeElement.querySelector('#created').value).toBeTruthy(); // [8]
expect(form.nativeElement.querySelector('#license').value).toEqual('Apache License 2.0');
In [1] you see the
from jasmine BDD has been prefixed with a f to focus on this test (good tip to only run the test you're working on).
In [2] you set the expected result for stubbed service call. Notice the service return an Observable, we use
to wrap a result into an Observable stream and start it.
In [3], you get the DOM element, but not quite. Actually since you use debugElement you get a helper node, you can always call
on it to get real DOM object. As a reminder:
abstract class ComponentFixture {
debugElement; // test helper
componentInstance; // access properties and methods
nativeElement; // access DOM
detectChanges(); // trigger component change detection
In [4] and [5], you trigger an event for the component to be initialized. As the the HTML rendering is asynchronous per nature, you need to write asynchronous test. In Jasmine, you used to write async test using
callback that need to be called once you've done with async call. With angular framework you can wrap you test inside an async
In [6] you notify the component a change happened: user entered a repo name, some validation is going on in the component. Once the validation is successful, you trigger another event and notify the component a change happened in [7]. Because the flow is synchronous you need to chain your promises.
Eventually in [8] following given-when-then approach of testing you can verify your expectation.
Async testing with fakeAsync
and tick
by fakeAsync
and whenStable / then
by tick
and voilĂ ! In here no promises in sight, plain synchronous style.
fit('Display github repo details after sync button pressed', fakeAsync(() => {
const debug = fixture.debugElement;
const inputGitHubRepo = debug.query(By.css('#gitHubRepo'));
const syncButton = debug.query(By.css('#syncButton'));
const form = debug.query(By.css('form'));
inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.value = 'TestSpace/toto';
inputGitHubRepo.nativeElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
expect(form.nativeElement.querySelector('#license').value).toEqual('Apache License 2.0');
When DI get tricky
While writing those tests, I hit the issue of a component defining its own
. When your component define its own providers it means it get its own injector ie: a new instance of the service is created at your component level. Is it really what is expected? In my case this was an error in the code. Get more details on how dependency injection in hierarchy of component work read this great article.
What's next?
In this post you saw how to test a angular component in isolation, how to test asynchronously and delve a bit in DI. You can get the full source code in github.
Next post, I'll like to test about testing headlessly for your CI/CD integration. Stay tuned. Happy testing!
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